Though we can ship to most regions worldwide, we encourage customers to purchase from a local authorized dealer. This way customers are assured local support when needed and would not have to pay additional shipping charges, customs fees, duties, etc. Also, if any need for warranty service should occur, it can be handled by our local distributor without the need to ship to the USA. (Anything purchased from the US must be returned here for service at the customer's expense.)
You can find a list of dealers in your area here. If you're near the UK, please check out our UK website here:
If you prefer to purchase directly from us, shipping is calculated at checkout based on the products in your cart and your shipping address, and any import duties will be assessed by your government upon entry to the country. Our 30-day return period is valid outside the US, but you must pay for shipping and duties both ways if you decide to return the headphones.
We can only ship to countries that appear on the pulldown menu at checkout. If your country does not appear on the pulldown menu, we have no way to ship to that country. We regret any inconvenience and hope you're able to find another channel for purchase.
Import duties are beyond Audeze's control, and will be billed to you separately by the carrier before delivery is made. Audeze cannot declare a lower value than the sales price on customs forms. This is illegal and can result in heavy fines, or worse.
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