We hope you love your new Audeze headphones, but if you don't, we offer a 30-day return policy on direct sales* with no penalty (assuming nothing is missing or damaged). The customer is responsible for return freight to Audeze using a shipping method with tracking, and we don't refund shipping costs or import duties/taxes.
If you decide you want to return your headphones and you bought them directly from us, contact us at support@audeze.com before the end of the 30-day period after delivery, and let us know the serial number of the headphones and a brief reason for return. We'll send you an RMA number along with shipping instructions via email. Once the headphones are returned and checked in, we'll issue a refund for your purchase price using the same method of payment you used for the purchase.
If any items are missing or damaged, or if the return is initiated outside the 30 day period (or if you ship the return more than 15 days after the RMA instructions are sent), we reserve the right to deduct an appropriate restocking fee from your refund. Restocking fees are typically between 5 and 15%, but may be equal to the costs associated with any repairs/replacements needed.
If you purchase from outside the USA and decide to keep the headphones: warranty service, if needed, must be done in the USA with shipping to us at your expense.
* Products purchased through dealers are subject to the dealer's own return polices, which Audeze has no control over. You should clarify these policies with the dealer before purchase. Our 30-day trial policy is valid to the original purchaser only, when purchased directly from Audeze. If you purchased from a dealer, you should contact them about any returns.
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