Ever since the LCD-X and XC were introduced, we’ve continually refined them over the years. The most obvious examples of these refinements are the headbands and ear cups. Perhaps more importantly, the critical thin film we use for our diaphragms has gone through several changes. From the original thicker film we started with, to the much thinner film we started using a few years ago - even the chemical composition has morphed over time.
Far ahead of the entire planar magnetic industry, Audeze moved very early on from chemical etching to laser etching – we even hold several patents for this process. Recent improvements in film, laser techniques, etc., have enabled us to modify the X and XC drivers slightly to get more consistent performance, with newly optimized magnetic circuits that offer the sonic excellence our users have known for over a decade. We also modified the LCD earpad material to get a better seal around the ears on differently shaped heads, for a more consistent listener experience.
Our over-arching goal is to continually improve our products to make sure our users get the best product we can make.
Here are the start dates and serials for the new configuration:
11/23/20 LCD-X Leather-Free 7527615
11/9/20 LCD-XC Leather 8523700
11/23/20 LCD-X Leather 7527600
11/23/20 LCD-XC Leather-Free 8523710
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