In the case that you are unable to update your Maxwell firmware (i.e. you are already up to date and on latest firmware) and a factory reset won't fix your current issues, a firmware re-installation may be advised. You will need access to a PC or Mac machine for this procedure.
- To start, open up Audeze HQ (on PC/MAC, not mobile, you'll need to be on v84 or higher)
- Set the USB dongle to the PC side.
- Connect the Maxwell dongle to your PC/MAC, while the headset is turned on, but NOT connected to the PC/MAC via usb cable.
- This should show the dongle as connected on right column.
- Go to the Settings section, and hold shift and double click the words "Dongle Firmware".
- This should make the "Update Dongle" (or "Update headset") button reappear. Simply click the button and follow the on-screen instructions.
- After you finish with the dongle update, disconnect, then connect the headset via USB cable, and repeat the process of updating (double click "Headset Firmware" this time, making 'Update Headset' re-appear). Very important!
- After you finish, BOTH the dongle and headset should be in the same device firmware version, and the update button should no longer be on screen once restarting Audeze HQ. You may need to power cycle your Maxwell for this to appear.
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